less clicking, more making

(signed 8x10 prints available)

I originally wrote this in one of my notebooks as a note-to-self. I needed to remind myself to spend more time making, and less time clicking around on the internet, looking for inspiration, or for things that would validate my ideas or make me feel better, or trying to keep up with what's happening in the big world.

It's better to just get on with the making (whether that's drawing or writing or inventing), to work through ideas by, well, working on them. Easier said than done though. I'm slowly getting better at it. And I now spend way less time reading certain kinds of time-sucking websites, and try to stick to the ones that I truly value and enjoy. 

More making, less consuming. Something to shoot for.

so much to say today - Post-it Note drawing

Pen and highlighter on a 3x3 post-it note. The original is available.

I started making Post-it Note drawings again, and revealed the latest batch last night through my shop newsletter. See what's available in the shop - they're just $25 each.

I like the intimate size of the Post-it, its humble status, and how it ends up being pretty much actual size on your screen. Its lack of preciousness allows me to be freer, more experimental, less careful, less filtered (for better or worse), and less pre-meditated. I can work faster and get more ideas out.