book cover for Paul Jarvis

Paul Jarvis Book cover: Everything I Know

Paul Jarvis writes about entrepreneurship and carving your own path, among other things. I really enjoy his writing. So I was thrilled when he asked me to make a drawing for the cover of his latest book, Everything I Know (softcover, Kindle).

Paul Jarvis Book cover: Everything I Know

From the description on Amazon:

Everything I Know is a no-rules guide through uncharted territory. It’s a swift kick in the creative ass without fairies, unicorns or new-age clichés. Instead of offering one-size-fits-all advice, Paul provides an infinitely flexible template for adventure. There is a better, more satisfying path out there, if you're willing to take risks and explore new territory. This book provides practical ideas and questions to help you conquer fear, overcome inertia, embrace vulnerability, validate your plans and launch even the most outlandish projects on a basement budget. How and where you go next is entirely up to you. 

If you're not familiar with Paul's writing, I suggest you dive into his treasure trove of articles, and subscribe to his weekly newsletter (it's the best 2 minute read you'll get all week).

Oh, and I also drew the jar that's on the 'cover' of his free ecourse, Write & Sell Your Damn Book.